Sunday 12 May 2024

Birds, birds and more birds....'tis the season!

 While I haven't been out enough to maximize the number of birds around, I have been out and managed to get a good representation of the masses of birds that have arrived, or are in the process of arriving.

Certainly one of the recent highlights was the one-day wonder of an American White Pelican that showed up along the Erieau Marsh Trail. I managed to get a variety of photos, with it swimming, resting and even in flight as it took a quick aerial tour of the area in front of me.

I had this Belted Kingfisher come by, and while it was hovering before diving for a fish, I caught it.
A couple of Semi-palmated Plover were roaming on the far muddy shore.

 Not a bird, but a pair of what appears to be two female Snapping Turtles wrestling around. I'm not sure what they were up to.

Also not a bird, but an unusual sight was to see these two Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtles along the muddy edge of the marsh trail. They are an endangered species, but there seems to be a reasonably healthy population in the Rondeau Bay area.

They are sometimes called the 'pancake turtle', and when they flatten themselves out, it is easy to see how they got this name.

Northern Map Turtle (l) and Midland Painted Turtle

 This Eastern Kingbird popped into view for a few minutes.

I spent a bit of time roaming beyond the normal birding hotspots, partially to follow up on an unusual sighting in Chatham-Kent. Fellow blogger Quinten Wiegersma reported this Common Raven nest a bit north of Thamesville. It isn't in the greatest spot for viewing, let alone photographing, but there it was, a nest on the side of a silo.
At least one head of a young raven was showing from time to time.
Not nearly as unexpected as a Common Raven, this pair of Osprey had set up a  nest along a fairly busy road, and railroad, between Prairie Siding and Longwoods Road that leads to Tilbury. This species has at least attempted to nest in C-K in the past, but I don't recall any confirmation of success. This nest is easy to keep tabs on, so perhaps it will be successful in spite of the busyness of the immediate area.

While roaming about, I noticed this pair of Wild Turkeys near a wooded area.

I haven't been to Rondeau as much as in past years, but hopefully that will increase a bit in the near future. And those times when I have been out, the birds have been somewhat scarce. But I haven't done too badly, considering the amount of time spent. I have managed photos of the following:

Hairy Woodpecker
This next one is probably a Least Flycatcher. At least it has the general characteristics of one, but it wasn't singing, so Empidonax flycatchers are sometimes difficult to determine with absolute certainty.

 Lots of vireos are around, such as this Blue-headed one.

A Northern Flicker was busily digging out a nest hole.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are relatively common.
Of course Song Sparrows are fairly plentiful almost year round.
This Veery posed nicely on a fallen log.
White-crowned Sparrows are sort of plentiful, but not for long.... are Yellow-rumped Warblers.
Green Herons are often only partially seen....

...and sometimes one can get a relatively unobscured view and photo.

Along one of the Mitchell's Bay trails, I had this Eastern Bluebird in my sights....

...and Great Egrets are often quite cooperative for the camera.
This Greater Yellowlegs was squawking its disapproval of me along the trail.
A walk through nearby Paxton's Bush on the north side of Chatham is close to home, and a pleasant walk when it isn't too crowded.
Great Horned Owls returned this winter, and this youngster was sitting up nicely.
This family of Mallard ducklings were quite content along the trail. Mother Mallard was very close by.

The Black-billed Magpies continue to occupy a territory not far from Shrewsbury. It  isn't clear what  stage of nesting they are at, as initially they were seen carrying nesting material into the upper part of a spruce tree, but more recently they seem to have begun nesting in a White Cedar. At least they are persisting, and only time will tell if they are successful.

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Sunday 5 May 2024

The New Book, finally: Natural Treasures of Chatham-Kent

 Just a short post to announce that Natural Treasures of Chatham-Kent is finally done! 

I picked up the first few boxes from the printer last week, and am now in the process of getting it distributed to prospective sales outlets. I expect it will be available at the same outlets as Life On A Sandspit is, plus a few more, since it likely has a wider interest to residents of Chatham-Kent and beyond.

It is about 100 pages in length, with about 160 photos, and perhaps with the exception of one or two, all photos will be different than what is in Life on a Sandspit. It covers a broader range of habitats than just Rondeau, hence the increase in size.

After consulting with various folks, I have decided that it should sell for $39 compared to the $27 price for Life on a Sandspit. Some outlets may sell for less, which is entirely their choice. Some folks have said most assuredly that it should go for at least $45, but I would rather keep it a little less to make it more attractive than the higher price. I am not out to make much $$ from this project, but would like to cover some basic costs such as the actual printing.

At any rate, now you know. And if you want to get a little glimpse of some of the photos, check out this previous announcement, here.

 In other news, today May 5 is Rondeau's birthday. Rondeau is now 130 years old as a provincial park!

Happy Birthday to Rondeau!

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